What is LATO Lab?

Hello, my name is Eliza and I am the creator of LATO Fermentation Lab, where I hand craft and explore fermented goods and flower-flavoured kombucha.

"Lato" means "summer" in Polish and it's my homage to Polish countryside's hot summer days and to capture the scent of flowers, treasured by my childhood memories.

LATO Lab started in Amsterdam, at the beginning of 2021, but brewing and fermenting has been always part of my natural Polish culinary heritage.

In combination with my personal interests and experience, they all led me to point where I can share my knowledge with you.

Fermented Goods

Made with the highest quality ingredients, LATO Kombucha is a fresh, natural beverage based on tea and sugar.

LATO Lab is all about fermentation, brewing and circular food. I use high quality tea and flowers, which I originally was bringing from Poland. I use white sugar for the fermentation process and Polish, raw honey for flavoring.

Fermentation is a never ending process, and what I started as Polish flowers oriented kombucha making, naturally grew into something bigger and more diverse using more diverse type of flowers and herbs.

I make sauerkraut, borsch or different varieties of fermented roots. Production rotates with the seasons and the local markets.

You can always check what I have in offer by simply contacting me.

Workshops & Tastings

Due to the specifics of kombucha making process (same as wine or beer) or any fermented food, I cannot show you how you make it during one day. Fermentation always requires time.

However! During workshops I will guide you through the fermentation process, explaining all the steps and what is the most important to look out for.

Through the Kombucha Tasting you will be able to see, taste and smell how the final products should be, plus you will learn about all of the different stages of production and fermentation.

By the end of our time together, you will have a good understanding and references for your own fermentation journey.

In touch

Have a burning question about fermentation? Curious about our workshops? Shoot me an email at hello@latolab.com and I'll get back to you faster than a bubbling kombucha!

Stay in the loop with all things Lato Lab! Follow me on Instagram to catch a glimpse of the latest experiments and discover the fascinating world of fermentation. Be the first to know about upcoming workshops, events, and the tastiest creations to come out from the Lab!

News from the Lab